Sunday, March 27, 2011


The word for this week in Illustration Friday is TOY. My husband and I shared a joke because of his love of cars: "The only difference between a man and a boy is the price of his toys". Also snowmobiles, power tools and an antique tractor. LOL
I tried a cartooning technique, drawn and painted in Photoshop.


I painted this using gouache about 6 months ago. The inset farmer cultivating a field was added using Photoshop.
IF Cultivate


I have a white cat we named Smudge. When we brought him in from the barn he had a black smudge on his forehead. The black is gone but the name remains.
While Smudge is the name of my cat, it is also the name of the technique I was introduced to. Go to a group called Digital Painting 101 and see work by Palmsgb. Awsome! I could not resist smudging Smudge for my first project.

Monday, March 14, 2011


If you feel compelled to write on someone's wall its better to do it in Photoshop
Goodwill Graffiti
A little virtual graffiti helps those in need.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

A "Tasteful" Menu

The project was to design an eight page menu that was both elegant and tasteful.
8 Page Menu
A combination of colour and type makes this a design that any first class restaurant would use with pride.

Over the years!

The purpose was to create a postcard that would display my illustration skills.
My Business Card
What do you think is easier ... turning a young person into an older one, or vise versa?

McFIRE ME - An editorial illustration

I did this illustration for Leif's Modern Design Illustration Class. This was based on an article at

McFire Me

The article in Viceland did .....